Exciting article on the topic of rail apps and data security in the B2B magazine for the rail industry „InnoTrans2022Report“!
On page 9, not only are three interesting new apps for customer loyalty presented, but Mirko Ross also makes the important connection to cybersecurity: „Everything! Is! Security relevant!“, the security expert and company founder emphasized.
Ross referred to the highly complex IT and network infrastructure behind every app and the operator and partner systems that are necessarily linked to it.
This is precisely where a high risk of hacker attacks lurks. The larger the attack surface, the more obvious the invitation to nest somewhere unnoticed and strike directly, or only after many months of patient waiting. The only chance to counter this is a cybersecurity mesh architecture that makes every attack immediately visible and preventable.

Here is the link: https://www.innotrans.de/innotrans/bilder/presse/innotrans-report/itr-4-2022-gb.pdf