A webinar at the end of March, attended by around 100 interested parties, drew attention to the dangers of attacks on federated learning (FL) processes when training large language models (LMM). The Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity & AI reported. The Federal Cyber Agency from Halle/Saale and asvin as organisers offered a high-calibre panel of experts who competently shed light on the topic. Asvin CEO Mirko Ross explained in particular data poisoning as a method of attack. The MANTRA consortium, led by asvin, is setting up a cyber security agency on behalf of the Cyber Agency to identify and visualise cyber risks such as FL threats and others. The set-up phase ends in 2027 and has a total contract value of €13.5 million.

Read more: https://background.tagesspiegel.de/digitalisierung/cybersicherheitsvorfaelle-mit-ki-gegen-das-informationsdefizit

Tagesspiegel report on federated learning by asvin and cyber agency