asvin presents world first for industrial cyber security: software for risk analysis and for minimising production downtime caused by cyber attacks
Prioritising defence is better than any attack.
- asvin provides top technology for prioritising identified cyber risks: CISOs and production cyber security managers can see their high-risk threats directly, plan their elimination better and ensure continuous operational guarantees.
- Cyber risks are analysed through a deep, comprehensive and interconnected view of internal and external data, enabling context-based decisions. This enables cyber managers to better plan and target their own resources in the global cyber war.
The Stuttgart-based cybersecurity specialist asvin will be presenting its unique method for risk management in operational technology (OT) and critical infrastructures at the Hannover Messe from 22 to 26 April in Hall 15, Stand A 06 at Baden-Württemberg international. “The ideal way for companies to counter the threatening security situation in industrial infrastructure is to change their perspective on cyber defence by prioritising cyber measures according to risk,” recommends asvin CEO Mirko Ross.
The new focus is worthwhile because operators of critical infrastructures are facing a resource problem: In the face of constantly new threats and vulnerabilities, there is simply a lack of personnel and resources to counter these threats on an ad hoc basis. asvin is therefore not throwing yet another tool into the ring, but an answer for optimising resources and focusing on the most pressing cyber security problems: Risk by Context™. Because production managers or CISOs need one thing above all else today: a way to prioritise their risk minimisation measures in the context of business criticality in order to deploy investments at the neuralgic points first.
asvin software maps and visualises contexts between operational and threat scenarios. It correlates information from data and application silos and visualises existing and emerging attack paths. Does that sound complicated? It is in terms of the technology. But not in terms of the result. asvin users utilise a dashboard that simply provides them with their current cyber situation. Only the currently most critical threats are prioritised. The information on cyber risks is presented in a targeted manner depending on the user group and interest: from the risk of failure in the company as a whole for board members and management to risks on specific machines or systems that need to be minimised by IT/OT security managers.
The risk analysis technology developed by asvin enables forward-looking risk predictions. The Risk by Context™ product recognises security-relevant correlations between production processes, OT/IT infrastructure and cyber vulnerabilities. In the visualisation, the software displays the acected segments, machines and systems and prioritises the measures to eliminate identified vulnerabilities and minimise risks.
In addition, Risk by Context™ links the usually broad range of existing tools and previously isolated data in companies. By breaking down information silos, both known and unknown risks can be included in the analysis. Contextual information also makes it possible to predict emerging risk situations. Risk by Context™ thus enables security managers to make the right decisions to minimise damage from threats and attacks despite limited personnel resources and chronic time pressure.
About asvin:
Using powerful technologies, asvin develops predictive solutions for the best possible resilience of OT and critical infrastructure. For this purpose, asvin uses next-generation AI, graph-based methods, so-called cybersecurity knowledge graphs, and classical topology theory. The resulting asvin product Risk by Context™ enables companies to stay one step ahead of threats. They can prioritise, deploy resources eciciently and optimise security investments. asvin thus strengthens cyber resilience and protects customer systems over their entire life cycle. https://asvin.io
Download the press release as PDF: Press Release HANNOVER MESSE 2024