Over the period of last 10 months asvin and OdinS teams have work closely to design technical architecture, implement and integrate technical components for access control based on privacy preserving disposable identity in the Disposable Identity for Access Control (DIAC). It is now time to disseminate the results of the project. On 24 July 2023, our press speaker gave a presentation about DIAC at Cybersecurity Region Stuttgart Meetup. 

Cybersecurity Region Stuttgart Meetup

It is a regular meetup event hosted by different stakeholders in Stuttgart region. It aims to bring in cyber security experts of Stuttgart region at one place and provide a conducive environment to have an open discussion on various cyber security topics. The last to session of the meetup were held at asvin’s office in Vaihingen, Stuttgart. The 2nd session was a physical meeting attended by 35 people from diverse technical background. We took this opportunity to present DIAC project. Konrad introduced the DIAC project, its partners, vision, and solution to the audience.