D-SBOM Kickoff
European Commission supports asvin's Distributed Software Bill of Materials for Internet of Things We
European Commission supports asvin's Distributed Software Bill of Materials for Internet of Things We
The it-sa, Europe's leading trade fair for IT security took place on 12-14 October,
Digital Heimat Paderborn (https://digitale-heimat-pb.de/projekte/zentrale-open-data-plattform/) representing one of Germany’s Smart Cities lighthouse regions. By that,
asvin has developed a solution for secure fingerprinting and identification of IoT devices. It
In the connected world, firmware updates are necessary to secure and prolong the life
In the last blog, definition, application and security aspects of PUF were introduced. The
The core principle of asvin IoT update firmware platform is to extend and maintain
As part of the asvin blog series on the Fed4FIRE+ Stage 2 Experiment, this
"Poison Ivy" is dedicated to research methods to prevent and detect backdoors in AI
Wikipedia " A physical unclonable function or PUF, is a physical object that for